AI, The Builder & The Architect

AI Can't Build A High-Rise, But It Can Really Speed Up The Job






Exposed Stage

Artificial intelligence won’t be assembling buildings any time soon. However, in construction — an industry known for its clipboards and spreadsheets — the rapid embrace of the technology may change how quickly projects are finished. Architects have long dabbled with AI, as a string of Nordic companies build digital tools to design projects and create blueprints. This expanded analysis of data is laying the groundwork for what many hope will be substantial improvements in accuracy, speed and efficiency by reducing the bloated timelines and waste that have made construction increasingly costly.

Can digital tools bridge the gap between the architect’s wet dream and the engineer’s and facility manager’s worst nightmare? That is the main storyline of this one-hour session addressing the massive new advantages that digital tools are creating in the whole real estate value chain.

As “zombie buildings” and stranded assets are fast becoming a primal fear in real estate, repurposing buildings is becoming a megatrend. How can software help us repurpose buildings better?

And what, exactly, is the hype curve here? We ask our keynote speakers and distinguished panelists to separate the hype from what is useful right now or will be soon, from a commercial perspective

  • Christoffer Hernæs (Skanska)
  • Keynote from Keir Egan-Alexander (Arka Works)
  • Wouter Merkestein (laiout)
  • Karoline Skattebø (Autodesk/Spacemaker)

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